Friday, February 26, 2016

How To Quit Smoking

Today We teach you how to quit smoking in a full proof method that is guaranteed to work within 5 days or your money back!

Saturday, February 20, 2016

We read hate comments

Today we read some hate comments from our past videos. The trolls have hit us hard and we give them a piece of our mind. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The worst plastic surgery

Today we have a look at some of the worst plastic surgery job pictures on the internet and give them a good roasting. Seeing the results some of these people got kinda just makes you realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side and you should just be happy with what you have. 

After seeing these botch jobs would you ever get work done?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Things to never search for in Google

Google is great, every body uses it, but sometimes it can be darn right scary and rather disturbing. Today we look at that part of google and see how far we can take it and see whether or not there is something that fits the search for everything that our sick minds come up with. 3 words PERIOD BLOOD ART!!!!

This video was a blast, we just sat back and just thought of the sickest and most random things we could think of. It was rather impressive to see how vast the internet really is. I'm fairly positive that we could of kept join for hours and Google would of kept up with our twisted minds and ideas.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Best And Worst Super Bowl Commercials

Today we have a look at some of the best and worst commercials from Super Bowl 50! There were a few that stood out but for the most part this years commercials didn't sit well with us and we tell you why. We review and give our opinion on what was good and what was not. What was your favorite ad this year? Do you agree with our opinions?

The game was okay in my opinion. I think I was spoiled from super bowl 49's ending. It almost seems like super bowl 49 should of been 50 just because the anniversary and the epicness that was super bowl 49's last quarter. Super bowl 50's story line was great with Peyton Manning potentially putting the perfect ending to his career and the young Cam Newton trying to put the first Exclamation point on his. 

Friday, February 5, 2016

Shidam Shorts 2016

This weeks video brings back an old series we haven't visited for almost a year. Shidam Shorts! It is a series of short skits compiled into one video. Why it ended in the first place is hard to say. We just never got around to filming another one for a whole year because we had so many other ideas to film. I for one am happy to be working on these ideas again. They come to me very often and are rather fun to write, film and edit. Enjoy!

Kyle Bryce

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Body Mod FAILS!

Some People Like to Modify their bodies, some people like to point out how stupid and ugly those people become when they take it too far. That's where we come in. In this weeks video we look at some crazy body modification fails (That includes piercings, tattoos, and other general alterations). A pierced ear and a few tattoos is acceptable, but these people just took it too far. Find out for yourself. What do you think?